I went to Moot Swimming Academy with a desire to learn how to swim but I was filled with fear and self-doubt. Working with different instructors at different swim comfort stages helped me learn to swim and overcome my initial doubts plus I was grouped with people of the same swim ability levels, their programme made it easy for me learn. Coach Marie gave me a good start, it was her patience and belief in my abilities that gave me the courage to finally learn how to swim. I’m forever grateful.

Harrieth Siwele

I started swimming with Marie in May 2015 and she helped me to overcome my fear of drowning in the pool. I slowly gained water confidence and now I can swim confidently in the pool with no assistance. Marie is an excellent coach, she will make you fall in love with the water and never wish to leave the pool. Thank you for your smiles each week. You always are full of energy right to the very last minute of the last class for each day and for that you are my superheroes.

Elizka Jacobs

Aan die Moot Swimming Academy span, Toe ek aanvanklik van jul dienste gebruik wou maak was dit net om my kinders basiese waterveiligheid en vaardigheid te bied. Sederdien kon ek sien hoe hierdie aktiwiteit, en spesifiek die mense wat dit aanbied, my kinders se lewentjies verryk. In die bad is my twee meisiekinders sweminstruktrises en kan ek baie duidelik sien hoe hul behandel word: Ferm, weet wat van hul verwag word, duidelike roetines, korrigeer sonder om kras te wees. Baie dankie vir die wonderlike werk wat jul doen, ons sal nog n lang pad stap. Elizka Jacobs

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